New Features Expected To Launch In Year 2021

As we all know recently WhatsApp Instant and popular messaging application are updating their features day by day. In the Year 2020 WhatsApp application development team updated their application and introduced great features and functionality. In year 2020 WhatsApp introduced Advance Search feature, extend their audio and video calls limit and changed their terms and conditions. Also WhatsApp will stop supporting older version operating system mobile phones in year 2021.

In year 2021 WhatsApp is planning to roll out new features and functionality which we are going to discuss in this article further.

1. Calling Via WhatsApp Web and Desktop Application 

This is most awaited feature in year 2021. After this feature you are able to call your friends and families using WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp Desktop Application. Currently with the help of WhatsApp Web and Desktop Application you are only able to send text messages, audio and video files, GIFs and emojis. To make the call you need an active internet connection in your laptop and desktop.

2. WhatsApp Will Support Multiple Devices

After this update you are able to open you WhatsApp account in multiple devices at the same time. Currently you are able to login WhatsApp only in two devices (one in phone and another one in desktop) from a single account. If you tried to login WhatsApp in another device then WhatsApp will logout automatically from another device(in which your account already login).  But after this you can login your WhatsApp account in four devices and use them simultaneously.

Image From Google

3. Able to Join Missed Group Calls

This is a great feature that WhatsApp is going to introduce in year 2021. After this update you are able to join a missed group video call if the call has already started. Due to this update there is no need to restart the group call to include additional participants in the group call. After this WhatsApp will become more user friendly and interactive.

4. Able to Mute Video and Archive Chat

Currently in WhatsApp application you are unable to mute video while watching someones status and video. After this update you can mute video in a single tap. In new advance archive chat feature WhatsApp won't send notification of the messages for the contacts which are archived. You can read those messages later going into archived chats. WhatsApp users are also able to select multiple contacts and archived and unarchived them.