How TESLA  COIL Was Invented ?

I conjecture one thing that you all have heard about Tesla the greatest scientist of all time .

For the people who don't know about this man he was a great scientist of his time . His full Name was Nikola Tesla . He was the Inventor of the Alternating Current ( Electricity which we are consuming in our houses now).  That was the Revolutionary Idea ( concept) that he made for the humanity to provide electricity for long distance.

The reason why I am calling him as a great scientist of all time because he had done a lot for the humanity and the people of the earth. 

So, for his work for the humanity  he did a lot and invented various magics .

One of his greatest Magic was the Tesla Coil . He had a dream to power the world with wireless electricity . That was the thought where the Tesla Coil was invented .

What is Tesla Coil ? 

Tesla coil
                                                                Image from Google

Tesla coil is a Coil that was invented by the Nikola Tesla (the father of Alternating Current).

Tesla coil is a a coil which cam transmits energy wirelessly to power the electrical components .

It is the based on the idea  to provide energy wirelessly .

When Tesla coil leaves the energy then it creates a huge size of  Magnetic Field . Everything which is in that generated Magnetic Field get the Energy.

Nikola Tesla showed this(Tesla coil) to the others, the working of it by himself.

But we can implement Tesla coil on a small scale .

So, to provide electricity wirelessly on a large scale Nikola Tesla designed a Huge tower in the lab in which he was working which name was Wardenclyffe  Tower .

The size of the tower was very big and he designed this tower to power the electricity for the long range but due to some issues the Tower had been decimated .

By the way one Major point for the Nikola Tesla that he always faced a huge problem in his invention that was lack of money ( investing).

How does Tesla coil works ?

To design Tesla coil or to understand of the Tesla coil we have to understand some concepts and features of the electrical components .

1. The concept of Step up Transformer :- 

If you apply any voltage to its primary winding then it will increase the voltage on the secondary winding and you will get the voltage greater then the input voltage . 

That is a reason that it's name is step up Transformer.

2. Capacitor:- 

Capacitor is the component that stores energy in the form of electric filed lines . It is widely used in the electrical and electronic circuits. In different different situations(circuits) it has different uses.

3. Spark Gap:-

 In spark gap there is nothing but Air. If you will study very deeply about the resistance property of Air there most people says that it is open circuit .
yes that is a open circuit current will not flow in that but if you will study about the Air you will find that there is a point that if you provide 3000v voltage for a 1 meter gap (spark Gap) then there will be a spark means there will be a current flow.

4.Electromagnetic Induction :-

If a changing current flow in a coil then there will be a changing magnetic field generated or vise versa if a coil is in a changing magnetic field then there will be a changing current flow in that coil and a voltage is generated that is called Electromotive force.

Tesla coil uses these components to link magnetic flux with secondary coil generated by the first coil and transmits the energy wirelessly. And the complete explanation you will see later in the Article .

Circuit Diagram and the working principle of Tesla coil ?


Tesla coil
                                                            Image form Google

Here you can see the circuit Diagram of Tesla Coil .

In this circuit Diagram there are various components and all have their own features .

The components in the Tesla coil are:-
1.  Step up Transformer :- This transformer increases the input voltage .

2. Spark Gap :- You can understand it like a switch in the circuit.

3. Capacitor :- In the circuit you can see a High voltage Capacitor that stores high amount of energy in it.
4. Primary coil and Secondary coil:-After current flow in the primary circuit a Magnetic flux is linked to the secondary coil.

Working principle of Tesla coil :-

In the circuit given above you can see that there will be an AC voltage is applied at input  which is equal to the voltage amount of supply voltage to your house.

After applying voltage at input there You will get increment in voltage with a very high amount  because of the Step up transformer which then goes to the primary circuit.

After the huge amount of voltage goes to the High voltage capacitor then the capacitor stores the voltage (energy) in the form of Electric field . 

When voltage leads to a very high amount then through the primary coil it goes to the Spark gap and  a current will start to flow.

you can see that I have told to you about the a current will flow in a gap when the gap of 1 meter and the voltage will be 3000v to that Gap. So, you can imagine how high amount of voltage is generated there.

After current flow in the primary coil there will be a changing magnetic flux will be generated due to the Electromagnetic induction.

Then Due to that Changing Magnetic field a current will flow in that Secondary coil .

Because that Secondary coil is open circuit there is no current flow so that will act like a capacitor and stores the energy.

If this energy increases then the environment becomes warm in the vicinity of Secondary coil .

Then the environment gets ionized and after this the voltage starts to flow in the Air.

And a huge amount (size also) of Magnetic field is generated in the Air.

And the things which comes in this magnetic field will get energy wirelessly.

Then you will see that electrical components will lit up.