As we all know Python is one of the most popular programming language now these days and Python is broadly used in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science. In the past few years Python is extensively used in Web Development also. According to the TIOBE Index Python is top 3rd programming language among all languages.

framework, or software framework, is a platform for developing software applications. It provides a foundation on which software developers can build their programs efficiently. A framework provide great features and functionality to developer which makes development easy and scalable. Recently (Open Source Leader in ML and AI) launched Python Development Framework (H2O Wave) to develop Real Time interactive Artificial Intelligence Applications

In the market there are so many great framework to enhance coding experience of the developers. We are going to talk about 4 most popular Python Frameworks for development which you should learn in year 2021 to enhance your development experience and build real time industry applications.

1. Django :-

This is the most popular Python Framework for Web Development. Django is a high level Python framework that encourages rapid development, clean and less codeIt is a collection of Python libraries allowing you to quickly and efficiently create a quality Web application. It is free and Open Source Python Framework which used in both Frontend and Backend Development. 

Companies like Youtube, Pinterest, Dropbox, Instagram and Spotify uses Django Framework for development.

If you want to learn Django Framework from beginning then visit Django Documentation.

2. Flask :-

Flask is Lightweight and Open Source Microframework which is basically based on Pocoo projects, Werkzeug and jinja2. Flask framework was developed by Armin Ronacher. Flask framework is super easy to learn and implement a web application because it has less code base. It is more evident then Django framework. Flask basically is a backend development framework.

Companies like Netflix, Uber and Linkedln uses Flask Framework for backend development.

If you want to learn Flask Framework from beginning then visit Flask Documentation.

3. Bottle :-

Bottle is fast, simple and lightweight WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) micro Web Framework for Python. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library. Bottle is written in Python Programming Language and developed by Marcel Hellkamp. Bottle is initially released in July 1, 2009. For this you will need Python 2.7 or newer version to run bottle applications.

If you want to learn Bottle Framework from beginning then visit Bottle Documentation.

4. Falcon :- 

Falcon is a blazing fast, minimalist Python web API framework for building reliable app backends and microservices. The Falcon web framework encourages the Rest architectural style, Resource classes implement, HTTP method handlers that resolve requests and perform state transitions. 

Organizations like Linkedln, Leadpages, Warmgaming and Rackspace rely on Falcon for projects.

If you want to learn Falcon Framework from beginning then visit Falcon Documentation.